Chocolate and Coconut Cocktail Recipe
If you're a big fan of chocolate martinis, then you're going to love this chocolate and coconut cocktail. Made with a blend of chocolate liqueur, whipped cream, and a hint of coconut, this delicious drink is transformed into a cocktail that will leave you drooling for more.
The cocktail can be served as dessert and it's the perfect way to end your dinner on a sweet note. With the recipe in hand, you can also make the cocktail at home during special occasions when expecting company. The most fantastic part is you'll only need to spend about 10 minutes on preparation, which means that guests will not be kept waiting for long after finishing their main course.
- Ingredients
- STep-by-step InSTRuctions
- 10 ounces chocolate flavored liqueur
- 4 ounces coconut flavored rum
- 1 to 2 tablespoons cacao powder (or more depending on the level of chocolate flavor that's desired)
- 4 ounces coconut whipped cream for garnishing
- 1/2 cup crushed ice
- A pinch of cocoa powder for dusting